Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Through the power of friendship!

My first brush with shonen anime was with Avatar: The Last Airbender, which is certainly more Americanized than some purists would like to allow. I think the genre has a niche in our society, as most of our comics and a good lot of popular television shows would fall into the shonen category if they had been made in Japan. And that is because that category is just so wide, it's like an open invitation to try ones hand at it. Who could resist? I'm sure most among us have wanted to insert themselves into their favorite story, creating their "sonas" or going as far to write their own fiction and spin offs. This brings me to the isekai genre discussed this week. It's had a massive surge in popularity, and I think it's because it taps into that want to be a part of something fantastical. Just like any online or table-top role playing game, which have also had massive resurgences. It's no secret that most of us want more out of this life, and for many, they want not just glory and recognition, but the dragons and fairies too.

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